$Header$ -*-text-*- netCDF Operators NCO version 5.3.2 hit the streets http://nco.sf.net (Homepage, Mailing lists, Help) http://github.com/nco/nco (Source Code, Issues, Releases) What's new? Version 5.3.2 mainly adds features and fixes to ncremap and quantization. Support for vertical interpolation of ECMWF IFS, and CAMS-format hybrid sigma-pressure vertical coordinate datasets has been improved. And the output is more CF-compliant. All arithmetic operators are once again able to use NCO quantization algorithms on variables in non-root groups. Skip this release if these changes do not interest you. Work on 5.3.3 is underway and includes improved NC_STRING autoconversion support for other NCO operators. Enjoy, Charlie NEW FEATURES (full details always in ChangeLog): A. ncremap will vertically interpolate a broader array of ECMWF IFS and CAMS-format hybrid sigma-pressure vertical coordinate datasets. Recent NCO versions required the log of the surface pressure to be in the template vertical coordinate file, rather than in the main dataset. Now the (log of) surface pressure can be either in the source dataset or the vertical grid file. Previous versions requires the lnsp variable to contain a dimension named lev_2 (as in IFS data). Now the regridder also accomodates CAMS-format data that does not contain the lev_2 dimension. Thanks to Erik Koene (LLNL) for persistently reporting this :) ncremap --ps_nm=lnsp --vrt_fl=era5.nc cams_in.nc cams_out.nc http://nco.sf.net/nco.html#ifs http://nco.sf.net/nco.html#vrt B. ncremap's vertical interpolator now attaches CF metadata (standard_name), units, and long_name attributes to output files stored on hybrid sigma-pressure vertical coordinate grids, e.g., double P0 ; P0:long_name = "Reference pressure" ; P0:standard_name = "reference_air_pressure_for_atmosphere_vertical_coordinate" ; P0:units = "Pa" ; double hybm(nhym) ; hybm:long_name = "hybrid B coefficient at layer midpoints" ; hybm:units = "1" ; hybm:standard_name = "atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate" ; C. ncremap and ncclimo previously prevented refused to overwrite input files with the same name as output files. However, this safety feature failed to detect when input and output filenames were symbolic links to the same file. Now ncremap and ncclimo refuse to overwrite input files that are the same inode/device as output files. Thanks to Juan Tolento (UCI) for reporting this. D. ncremap and ncclimo previously defaulted to using PBS "mpi_run -n nd_nbr" to manage MPI-mode climatologies and regridding. Now ncremap and ncclimo previously default to using SLURM "srun -n nd_nbr". This make supporting MPI-mode on unknown (not in the internal database of ncremap/ncclimo) machines more likely to work on SLURM, which has become increasingly popular (at least at DOE). Thanks to Jason Boutte (LLNL) for suggesting this. http://nco.sf.net/nco.html#mpi BUG FIXES: A. Previous versions of NCO would sometimes fail to store quantization metadata for variables in non-root groups. Now quantization metadata works on variables in non-root groups. ncks -O --qnt=btr --ppc dfl=6 -g g1 in_grp.nc out.nc Thanks to Matt Thompson (GSFC) for reporting this. http://nco.sf.net/nco.html#qnt Full release statement at http://nco.sf.net/ANNOUNCE KNOWN PROBLEMS DUE TO NCO: This section of ANNOUNCE reports and reminds users of the existence and severity of known, not yet fixed, problems. These problems occur with NCO 5.2.7 built/tested under MacOS 15.3 with netCDF 4.9.4-development on HDF5 1.14.3 and with Linux FC40 with netCDF 4.9.2 on HDF5 1.14.3. A. NOT YET FIXED (NCO problem) Correctly read arrays of NC_STRING with embedded delimiters in ncatted arguments Demonstration: ncatted -D 5 -O -a new_string_att,att_var,c,sng,"list","of","str,ings" ~/nco/data/in_4.nc ~/foo.nc ncks -m -C -v att_var ~/foo.nc 20130724: Verified problem still exists TODO nco1102 Cause: NCO parsing of ncatted arguments is not sophisticated enough to handle arrays of NC_STRINGS with embedded delimiters. B. NOT YET FIXED (NCO problem?) ncra/ncrcat (not ncks) hyperslabbing can fail on variables with multiple record dimensions Demonstration: ncrcat -O -d time,0 ~/nco/data/mrd.nc ~/foo.nc 20140826: Verified problem still exists 20140619: Problem reported by rmla Cause: Unsure. Maybe ncra.c loop structure not amenable to MRD? Workaround: Convert to fixed dimensions then hyperslab KNOWN PROBLEMS DUE TO BASE LIBRARIES/PROTOCOLS: A. NOT YET FIXED (netCDF4 or HDF5 problem?) Specifying strided hyperslab on large netCDF4 datasets leads to slowdown or failure with recent netCDF versions. Demonstration with NCO <= 4.4.5: time ncks -O -d time,0,,12 ~/ET_2000-01_2001-12.nc ~/foo.nc Demonstration with NCL: time ncl < ~/nco/data/ncl.ncl 20140718: Problem reported by Parker Norton 20140826: Verified problem still exists 20140930: Finish NCO workaround for problem 20190201: Possibly this problem was fixed in netCDF 4.6.2 by https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf-c/pull/1001 Cause: Slow algorithm in nc_var_gets()? Workaround #1: Use NCO 4.4.6 or later (avoids nc_var_gets()) Workaround #2: Convert file to netCDF3 first, then use stride Workaround #3: Compile NCO with netCDF >= 4.6.2 B. NOT YET FIXED (netCDF4 library bug) Simultaneously renaming multiple dimensions in netCDF4 file can corrupt output Demonstration: ncrename -O -d lev,z -d lat,y -d lon,x ~/nco/data/in_grp.nc ~/foo.nc # Completes but produces unreadable file foo.nc ncks -v one ~/foo.nc 20150922: Confirmed problem reported by Isabelle Dast, reported to Unidata 20150924: Unidata confirmed problem 20160212: Verified problem still exists in netCDF library 20160512: Ditto 20161028: Verified problem still exists with netCDF 4.4.1 20170323: Verified problem still exists with netCDF 4.4.2-development 20170323: https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf-c/issues/381 20171102: Verified problem still exists with netCDF 4.5.1-development 20171107: https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf-c/issues/597 20190202: Progress has recently been made in netCDF 4.6.3-development More details: http://nco.sf.net/nco.html#ncrename_crd C. NOT YET FIXED (would require DAP protocol change?) Unable to retrieve contents of variables including period '.' in name Periods are legal characters in netCDF variable names. Metadata are returned successfully, data are not. DAP non-transparency: Works locally, fails through DAP server. Demonstration: ncks -O -C -D 3 -v var_nm.dot -p http://thredds-test.ucar.edu/thredds/dodsC/testdods in.nc # Fails to find variable 20130724: Verified problem still exists. Stopped testing because inclusion of var_nm.dot broke all test scripts. NB: Hard to fix since DAP interprets '.' as structure delimiter in HTTP query string. Bug tracking: https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/jira/browse/NCF-47 D. NOT YET FIXED (would require DAP protocol change) Correctly read scalar characters over DAP. DAP non-transparency: Works locally, fails through DAP server. Problem, IMHO, is with DAP definition/protocol Demonstration: ncks -O -D 1 -H -C -m --md5_dgs -v md5_a -p http://thredds-test.ucar.edu/thredds/dodsC/testdods in.nc 20120801: Verified problem still exists Bug report not filed Cause: DAP translates scalar characters into 64-element (this dimension is user-configurable, but still...), NUL-terminated strings so MD5 agreement fails "Sticky" reminders: A. Reminder that NCO works on most HDF4 and HDF5 datasets, e.g., HDF4: AMSR MERRA MODIS ... HDF5: GLAS ICESat Mabel SBUV ... HDF-EOS5: AURA HIRDLS OMI ... B. Pre-built executables for many OS's at: http://nco.sf.net#bnr